Puppy training in Denver

Using Food to Train Your Puppy: A Delicious Approach to Effective Training

Bringing a new puppy into your home is an exciting and joyous experience. As a responsible pet owner, one of your primary goals is to train your puppy to become a well-behaved and obedient companion. Using food as a training tool can be highly effective and enjoyable for both you and your puppy. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of using food in puppy training and provide some practical tips to get you started on the right paw.

  1. Food as a Motivational Tool

Food is a powerful motivator for dogs, especially puppies, who are often driven by their appetites. By utilizing their natural instinct to seek and consume food, you can create positive associations with training tasks and reinforce desired behaviors. Offering tasty treats as rewards can make the learning process more enjoyable and encourage your puppy to repeat those behaviors in anticipation of another treat.

  1. Choosing the Right Treats

When it comes to training treats, it’s important to select options that are small (but not so small they are dropped on the floor), soft, and easily digestible. Soft treats are ideal because they can be quickly consumed, allowing for seamless training sessions without interruptions for chewing. Break larger treats into smaller pieces to avoid overfeeding and to ensure your puppy stays focused on the training exercises.

You can opt for commercial training treats available in pet stores or prepare homemade treats using puppy-safe ingredients like cooked chicken, cheese, or carrots. Remember to take your puppy’s dietary restrictions or allergies into consideration when selecting treats.

  1. Treat Timing and Consistency

Timing is crucial in puppy training, especially when using food rewards. The treat must be given immediately after your puppy displays the desired behavior to reinforce the association between the action and the reward. This immediate reinforcement helps your puppy understand what behavior is being rewarded and increases the likelihood of them repeating it in the future. Using a marker such as “yes!” can help accelerate the process by creating a communication system between you and your pup.

Consistency is also key in training. Ensure that everyone involved in the puppy’s training follows the same guidelines and uses treats consistently. This will help avoid confusion and create a clear and predictable training environment for your puppy.

  1. Gradual Transition to Random Reinforcement

While food treats are highly effective, the ultimate goal is to wean your puppy off food rewards for every behavior. Once your puppy consistently performs the desired behavior, gradually reduce the frequency of treats and begin to jackpot the correct behaviors randomly.

By gradually shifting from consistent food rewards to a random reward schedule, you’ll teach your puppy to respond to your commands and positive reinforcement without always relying on treats (as they will be anticipating a reward event for a job well done, randomly!).

  1. Moderation and Health Considerations

While food treats are an integral part of training, it’s important to maintain moderation to prevent overfeeding and potential weight issues. Treats should make up only a small portion of your puppy’s overall daily food intake. Adjust your puppy’s regular meals accordingly to account for the extra calories provided by the training treats. You can use high value food rewards that also act as a balanced meal to keep your pup motivated but healthy; Honest Kitchen Clusters, Royal Canin kibble, Redbarn Meat Rolls, and similar products are balanced for daily meals, but high value enough to use in training!

Opt for high-quality treats that are nutritious and low in unhealthy additives or excessive salt or sugar content. Consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about specific treats or if your puppy has special dietary requirements.


Using food as a training tool can be an effective and enjoyable way to teach your puppy essential behaviors and commands. By harnessing their natural food motivation, you can create a positive learning environment and strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. Remember to choose appropriate treats, time the rewards correctly, and gradually transition to a random reward schedule, all while considering moderation and your puppy’s overall health.

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